Six shot dead during Machakos, Kitengela protests

Three people were shot dead in Kitengela town and one person was shot in Emali.

Protesters at Kamukunji grounds in Nairobi

Six people have lost their lives in protests held in Mlolongo, Machakos county and Kitengela, in Kajiado.

Three people were shot dead in Kitengela town and one person was shot in Emali.

Two were killed in Mlolongo.

Police said that more than ten others sustained injuries and are admitted to hospitals.

Transport was paralysed on the Mombasa Highway as anti-government protesters barricaded the road at Nairobi Expressway in Mlolongo, Machakos county.

Hundreds of demonstrators thronged the highway and barricaded it.

This caused a heavy traffic snarl along the road as operations along both the Expressway and the highway remained paralysed.

Motorists were caught in the melee as protesters engaged police in running battles.

The protesters lit fire on the highway and barricaded it using stones forcing the police to lob teargas to disperse them.

In Kisumu, police lobbed tear gas at protesters to disperse them but they fought back.

Most businesses remained closed and some demonstrators were seen dressed in towels as they protested over the high cost of living.

They carried placards decrying inadequate food supply, unemployment and the Finance Act saying it is unfair and retrogressive.