Jua Cali speaks after backlash over Njugush comments

The musician was bashed by fans over his earlier sentiments.

Jua Cali
Image: Instagram

Recently, Jua Cali made fun of Njugush while they were on tour in Australia over the weekend for their TTNT show.

As much as Njugush is his friend, he claimed in his statement that he truly doesn't find what he does to be amusing at all.

The public reacted negatively to his statement, and as a result, he received a lot of attention for his musical talent.

The musician issued an apology for his remarks and acknowledged his love of stand-up comedy in a statement.

"Nimekua a huge Fan of StandUp comedy as an art form ever since nione the great Richard Pryor kwa ma Video tapes hii ni kitambo. Then Eddie Murphy came along killed it on the standUp stage...."

Jua Cali then made a comparison between the art of comedy and music, stating that comedians are unable to repeat jokes, in contrast to musicians, who can play a song repeatedly.

" ...Standup comedian has to have a huge team of dope writers ndio special ikue na structure, examples of dope writers wale nawajua ni YY na Butita(Iam the one who encouraged @eddiebutita to do 1hr specials when we were on a flight to Dubai a few yrs back)..."

The gengetone artist continued to describe the art of stand-up comedy and stated that you need a team to support you in order to succeed.

"Fans wa Njugush na Njugush poleni sana kama hio tweet ilicome out harsh hio haikua intention napenda Skits za Njugush ni vile tu StandUp ni ballgame ingine noma but polepole with practice NJUGUSH will become one of the Greats, let’s come together StandUp ni artform inataka patience na a lot of resources kama tu music industry but done right hapo kuna doe kuruka!!!"

He continued by citing some of the greatest stand-up comedians in history as role models for those who want to work in the field.

The veteran musician continued by expressing regret to Njugush's supporters and assuring them that his remark had not been intended to be offensive.

He continued by saying that the comedian could do even better if he kept up his stand-up comedy practise because mastering a skill takes time.