Podcaster Eli Mwenda speaks out after being assaulted at an event

In a statement, Mwenda said the assault happened on Sunday night while he was leaving the event

Eli Mwenda
Eli Mwenda

Podcaster Eli Mwenda was allegedly assaulted at an event that happened over the weekend.

The YouTuber confirmed the allegations via a statement he issued on his social media pages. 

Fingers were pointing to a popular Kenyan artist.

In a statement, Mwenda said the assault happened on Sunday night while he was leaving the event.

"During the attack, I did not retaliate. This assault resulted in my face being sliced open. I have had to have surgery to avoid any permanent scarring. It has impacted my work schedule meaning I'll be unable to shoot content until my face fully heals."

"I have decided not to name him publicly, as I don't believe he should be defined by one poor decision. Although I forgive him whole heatedly on a personal level. I have still followed all official channels to prevent this from happening to anyone else."

Mwenda said he will be taking a short social media break as "I focus on my health and mental well-being. I look forward to getting back to what I love doing, creating content for you. Have a beautiful week ahead Eli"

His fellow celebrity friends have wished him well.

Sean Andrew: I’m sorry Eli, I hope you take time to cleanse, to heal, to renew, to grow & to become your very best. 💜

Willis Raburu: Pole sana bro

Tracy Wanjiru: I’m so sorry Eli ❤️❤️

Janet Mbugua: So very sorry Eli ❤️‍🩹 I hope you heal all round ✨

Maureen kunga: So so sorry Eli! Get better soon! ❤️

Jahmby Koikai: Oh no pole sana and wishing you a quick recovery❤️

Martin Kimathi: Pole sana bro. Get well soon 🙏🏾

Daddie Marto: Wait? Assaulted by someone you know? Intentionally? Broooo!! Pole sana!! Get well soon kaka 😢

Just Joy Kendi: Omg. So sorry. Please get better . We will be here waiting when you are ready❤️

Michelle Ntalami: What! I’m so sorry Eli.♥️You will heal & rise again.