Stevo Simple Boy's wife issues tough warning to Pritty Vishy

In her warning Grace asked Pritty Vishy to refrain from mentioning her husband's name as she knows nothing about him or what goes on in their house.

Stevo Simple Boy with his gf.
Image: Instagram/Stevo Simple Boy

Stevo Simple Boy's wife, Grace Atieno has issued a public warning to Pritty Vishy.

In her warning Grace asked Pritty Vishy to refrain from mentioning her husband's name as she knows nothing about him or what goes on in their house.

Grace made her woes with the TikTok star known in an interview she did with YouTuber Obidan Dela. Grace revealed she'd been aware of Vishy's continuous attacks towards her man and their relationship.

"Pritty Vishy ni mtu ambaye nilimjua kitambo. Kuniongelea sawa. Amenisuta, ameniongelea mambo mengi na huwa naziona na pia naziskia ila mi nataka kumwambia hivi, jambo moja tu, anikome na jina langu na kuongelea Stevo," Grace said.

Grace reminded Pritty Vishy that her relationship to Stevo had long ended while asking her to move on. She maintained the two had no relation whatsoever so she failed o understand why Vishy was always in Stevo's business.

"Stevo naeza muongelea kwa sababu nimi ndo naishi naye kwa nyumba na namuelewa, so lazima niongee. 

Aache kumuongelea Stevo. Kitu ya ex ilikua ya ex na hiyo imeisha kabisa! Na kama anataka tuchambane tutachambana..." she said.

Grace finished off by highlighting she had no beef with the TikToker, the only issue was Grace felt Vishy had grown arrogant and big-headed with her newfound fame.

Stevo's wife emphasized that were it not for the musician Vishy would be a nobody.

"Sina beef na huyo msichana ila acha mi niseme ni venye amekua celeb ndio maana anajipa kiburi anaongea vile anataka Kwanza Stevo ndio alimueka Pritty soko.

Kama haingekua Stevo hangekua pale, maana ni mtu alikua Kibra amecharara pale yupo yupo tu. 

Stevoh ataendelea, niko naye na kuna watu wanamhelp... Kwanza atakua poa more than anafikiria," Grace said finishing off..

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