Akuku Danger: I had to teach doctors how to treat my Sickle Cell disease

He has started a Centre for sickle cell warriors to be able to get medical assistance.

Akuku Danger
Image: Instagram

Akuku Danger has had sickle cell anemia his entire life, and the year 2021 was the worst for him because of how much time he spent in the hospital.

To generate money for the sickle cell foundation he intends to build, he recently kicked off the Center for Sickle Cell Warriors walk.

Sickle Cell Disease is a set of inherited red blood cell abnormalities, according to the CDC.

Hemoglobin is an oxygen-carrying protein found in red blood cells. Healthy red blood cells are round, and they move through small blood vessels to carry oxygen to all parts of the body.

When a person has SCD, their hemoglobin is defective, which makes the red blood cells hard and sticky, giving them the appearance of the C-shaped farm implement known as a "sickle."

Red blood cells are constantly in insufficient supply due to the early death of sickle cells.

Additionally, they become caught and obstruct the flow of blood when they pass through tiny blood arteries.

Infection, acute chest syndrome, stroke, and other severe consequences (health issues) might result from this, in addition to pain.

A reporter from Mpasho News spoke with Akuku Danger about the organization he founded, how life has been after his health scare, and his inspiration.

That experience, according to Akuku Danger, was the most horrifying of his life. He sincerely thanked God for his protection during that time.

He believes that since he has always been ill, the only significant change to his diet or way of life that he had to make was to stop.

But he can dance, jump, and perform, and he is aware of the limits of how hard he can use his body.

"The only big problem we have as sicklers is that there is a lot of misinformation and misdiagnosis that happens in hospitals."

Akuku Danger recalls a situation in which he felt ill and knew he needed to check himself into the hospital, but the staff members there were unsure of what to do with him.

"I had to assist the doctor to treat me so I just explained to them I need this particular medication and get me this particular drip."

He claims that he started this foundation and center so that other sicklers like himself might check themselves into a hospital and receive the right medication.

That he would also make use of it as a springboard to lobby the government for help obtaining insurance coverage for those with sickle cell anemia.

He also wants to utilize it to dispel prejudices and preconceptions that people have about those with sickle cell anemia.

Additionally, it's important to educate people about the distinction between leukemia and sickle cell anemia because most people still mix up the two.

He hopes that this will develop into something significant and is very appreciative of Sandra Dacha for supporting him throughout.

Akuku Danger revealed that Sandra Dacha, in contrast to the majority of his famous pals, has supported him throughout the sickle cell campaign and even stood by his side while he was ill.