Nairobians turn popular local bush into 'unofficial lodging'

The place is so notorious that 'holy' Kenyans have started abandoning the place that used to get a lot of visitors

A heart-shaped bush
Image: Bianca from Pixabay

Kenyans are an enterprising lot and know how to squeeze every last shilling, what with the horrible economy that we are currently dealing with. (But let me not go there)

This story is an example of the lengths to which some Kenyans will go to save money. A certain bush along the Northern bypass, within Njathaini area in Roysambu constituency, has become the popular spot for randy lovers.

This is according to a report on Citizen Digital which featured interviews with several residents who had witnessed the rise in the 'unofficial lodging' inside the tens of acres of the Miaraho bush, also known as Kwa wa Kihiu.

The thicket is littered with makeshift beds made of cartons and nylon papers. As with most of these escapades, liquor is not far behind and evidence of this is seen in the trash left behind of empty alcohol bottles.

Well-walked paths and numerous car tyre marks fill the popular bush with residents saying the cops are well aware of the crazy things going on there.

“You will see couples walking into the bush and spending hours before emerging. It’s a common scene here, especially during weekends,” a boda boda rider told Citizen.

“Sometime you will find couples driving and parking inside the bush. I have personally bumped into people on the act inside the bush," he added. 

But some other residents have defended the spot and said that it was a chill spot for family and friends.

So, now you know...Do with this information as you will.