Why we broke up in 2017 - P Square

They found out they were famous when people would faint when they performed for them

P Square
P Square

Twin brothers Peter and Paul Okoye opened up about their 2017 split to CNN's Larry Madowo on African Voices Changemakers.

Responding to why they broke up, Peter aka Mr. P told Madowo that "When we say what happened, people are going to take the story back and forget the positive things we've said so far"

Paul aka Rudeboy added 'What happened is this, if you know anything that happens in a group, it happened, it's the same thing."

Peter said even though they are twin brothers, they are also human.

"It doesn't change the fact that we are humans. Irrespective of how fans want to look at it, we felt like fans were disappointed but we are human, it is normal."

They both admitted that during their solo careers, they learnt a lot.

"Sometimes, when things happen, always take the positive part of it and drop the negative. The solo thing made me industrious," said Paul

Peter said during that time, he also ventured into business "I owned a lottery company and I'm sure I'm going to be a casino owner, the biggest in Africa."

When they decided to venture into music, they knew the group would work more than going solo.

"The group thing now became individual strength that came together. If we had gone individually, it wouldn't have been like this. We became one of the greatest groups ever from Africa. I don't think we would have succeeded solo," said Peter

They found out they were famous when people would faint when they performed for them.

"The moment we go for shows and promoters beg us not to touch people. It was a turning point and we said to ourselves, this is not a joke anymore. We have been accepted," said Peter

"In Africa, there's no country we didn't perform," he added.

They reminisced about how they met Akon.

"He took us to the club and he has a studio under the cub, in the basement. He did a remix and he was like 'Guys get ready, we are shooting a video tomorrow."

Their hit song 'Personally' was a tribute to Micheal Jackson. His brother Jermaine Jackson called them to give his thanks.

"When we came out with the song, the next day, we got a call from Micheal Jackson's brother, to thank us"

The duo is working on an album dubbed 'Legendary'