Prosecution asks court to detain Pastor Ezekiel for 30 days

The preacher was arraigned at 10 am.

Pastor Ezekiel
Image: Classic105

The prosecution has applied to detain Pastor Ezekiel Odero for 30 days, citing fresh affidavits in a case involving mass deaths. The preacher was arraigned at 10 am.

Odero's lawyers Jared Magolo, Cliff Ombeta and Danstan Omari were already in court.

Ombeta told the Star that they will be asking for favourable bail terms for the client, who has already spent seven days in police custody.

Omari said they object to such tactics by the State.

"The respondent should be allowed to go home or a charge sheet be produced," he said.

SPM Joe Omido ruled that the prosecution can go ahead with their new application orally and support it with affidavits.

He said the objection by the defence counsel failed saying the orders issued on May 2 were clear.

"Following the orders on May 2, it is within the law and State is allowed to file applications orally and supported by affidavits," he said.

"The State can still rely on it to support oral application. The objection by the respondent."

The pastor has been in custody for seven days.