4 ways to identify a cult - Pastor T Mwangi

Pastor T Mwangi says cults are formed under spiritual personalities and religious ideologies

Pastor T Mwangi

Following the death of people at Shakahola forest, a Kilifi pastor, Paul Mackenzie has been reported to have asked them to fast to see Jesus.

Mackenzie denied playing part in their deaths after he was released on Sh10,000 cash bail by a Malindi court.

Lead Minister at Life Church Limuru and The Gathering of Champions Pastor T Mwangi has reacted to the ongoing incidents saying that cults are formed under spiritual personalities and religious ideologies. 

"We have many cults and some mature to be occultism. We also have many spiritual organizations with cultic tendencies," he wrote on social media

Pastor T says these are four things to watch out for in any organization.

1. Authoritarianism.

This is where you have one spiritual leader almost at the level of being identified. He is treated as a Demigod. His words are final and no one can question his words or deeds. The person could be operating under some charismatic gifts hence the endorsement. Some recruit their members through extreme teaching of the doctrine of honor. Remember no man is above God and no man is above the standards of scripture.

2. Isolation.

The first phase of Isolation is to criticise every church, every pastor and every minister hence creating an image of the church being the only true church. The second level is the secularisation of everything, school, media, family, and society. This is the recipe for brainwashing and manipulation. Many cults thrive on this concept. Some people are in cults but they think they are in a spiritual movement. Remember Jesus never left a church but a body hence there is no monopoly of truth.

3. Strange spiritual encounters

Some will claim to have encountered Jesus, Angels, or patriarchs of old. They end up giving extra-biblical citations and teaching what cannot be verified scripturally. This is a strange area and many end up teaching strange doctrines. The rule of faith can be summarised under solar scriptura which means if it's not written it is not of God. Galatians 1:8

4. Sell fear.

Part of cultic teachings is centered on Apocalyptic books and eschatology which is the study of the end times. Two approaches are used. Newspaper eschatology which entails assembling of the latest news and using scriptures to justify end-time realities. 

Secondly, they use escapism eschatology theology. The concept of we are going to a better place where there is no suffering hence we will escape this world of pain. This doctrine disengages members from being vibrant in life and death and becomes their motivation as a channel of exit and entry into a dimension of bliss.

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