Juju! Femi One says about why people join cults like Pastor Mackenzie's

The rapper added that she believes its more of witchcraft than words

Femi One
Femi One

Rapper Femi One has reacted to Pastor Paul Mckenzie's cult. The rapper said she would want to have a sit down with such people to pick their brains on how they convince people.

The rapper added that she believes it's more witchcraft than words.

"I'd like to sit down with these people and know what he really tells them because there are things you can't convince me to do. I am convinced it's not just words alone but juju. I would like to sit down with these people who run churches like Pastor Kanyari. To just listen to them."

Mackenzie was arrested mid-April after bodies of people suspected to have starved to death were found in Shakahola as followers claimed they were convinced they would meet Jesus.

President William Ruto said the controversial pastor is a criminal.

"What we are seeing in Kilifi, Shakahola is a kin to terrorism. There is no difference between Mr Mackenzie who pretends and postures as a pastor when in fact he is a terrible criminal," he said 

"Terrorist use religion to advance their heinous acts. People like Mackenzie are using religion to do the same thing... Let me say for the avoidance of doubt that people like Mackenzie and all other terrorists and criminals do not belong to any religion, they belong to jail and that is where they should be."

The controversial preache is in custody, pending a court appearance.