Former UASU Chairman Muga K’Olale has passed way

K’Olale passed away on Saturday evening after a long illness.

Former UASU Chairman Muga K’Olale has passed way

Former Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU) Chairman Muga K’Olale died while receiving treatment at Matata Nursing Home in Oyugis, Homa Bay County.

K’Olale passed away on Saturday evening after a long illness.

The Matata Nursing Home matron Margaret Orimba said that Muga was seriously ill the whole of last week.

"He had been at the hospital for some time. We condole with his family. This is a great loss," Margaret Orimba told Nation Africa.

K’Olale’s body was moved to the hospital’s mortuary.

After he resigned from UASU as its chairperson, K’Olale was replaced by Nakuru lawyer and Kisii University law lecturer Grace Nyongesa, who became Uasu's first female chair.

Our heartfelt condolences to Muga K’Olale's family and friends.

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