Pastor who coined 'Twa Twa' applies for the trademark

A video of pastor Sue Munene using the words "twa twa" to refer to the act of sharing love with her husband went viral in 2019.

Pastor Sue Munene.
Image: Instagram/Sue Munene.

Pastor Sue Munene, who gained sudden fame in 2019 following her words 'Twa Twa' referring to the act of sharing love with her husband, has now emerged saying that she wants to trademark the words.

The words "Twa Twa" have been used by many groups of people in modern lingo, mostly when talking about the issue of marriage.

In an interview with the Sunday Nation, Sue Munene said that her move to trademark the words is not to stop people from using them but to get recognition as the founder of the words themselves.

"It is ownership, not for any other purpose. Not for business, not for anything. Do you see how people say they want to be paid? That is selfishness," Munene told the magazine.

The pastor's words have been used together with her voice by many artists in the country, and she previously said them giving an example that no marriage should be without sharing love, something he called "Twa Twa" as one way to avoid using clear and flat language without veils.

She said that she participates in the act of marriage (Twa Twa) with her husband even when they disagree because that act is the main and most powerful mediator in any marriage.

"The proposed copyright is a non-linguistic sound tag known by (the applicant) that indicates closeness of relationship,” the copyright authority disclosed, referring to Munene's application for the rights.

Pastor Sue said she and her husband, who serve at Overcomers Hope Ministry Nairobi, a church they founded, had been thinking about getting the brand since three years ago.