Conjestina sets eyes on recovering to get back to boxing

Kenyan boxing champion Conjestina Achieng alias ‘Conje’ has said she plans to get back to the ring upon her recovery to get back her boxing title. 

Achieng' lamented that most boxers are not well taken care of, especially in terms of their health conditions. 

"It can take me up to three or six months to be in a better position as a fighter. What I am lacking mostly is sponsorship, a genuine sponsorship," she said. 

Conjestina has been struggling with financial and mental health issues since she left boxing in 2011.

Her career came to a sudden end when she started suffering mentally.

In September 2022, the boxing champion was admitted to Mombasa Women Empowerment Network Hospital in Miritini. 

She has been admitted since July after her health and mental status deteriorated.

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko had come to the aid of the boxing champion after he paid her a visit while she was at the Hospital. 

Sonko further gifted her with boxing equipment. 

The former governor has been walking with Achieng' for a while now as she journeys toward recovery.

Sonko has taken her to several rehabilitation centres including Nairobi County rehabilitation centres, Parklands, and Diani Beach.