Elsa Majimbo- My family was against my content creation

In July 2022, Majombo bought a house in Los Angeles, US, as a 21st birthday present to herself.

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Comedian and content creator Elsa Majimbo has recounted how she faced criticism and condemnation from her own family for her content.

Majimbo rose to global fame during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown .

In a short documentary that Majimbo is set to release soon, she explains how her family reacted to her online content.

Majimbo recalls her older brother expressing his disappointment in her and telling her that she was embarrassing the entire family with her videos.

Despite the criticism and condemnation from her family, Majimbo says she continued to pursue her passion for creating content and posting it online.

Her unique style of humour quickly caught the attention of many, and soon enough, she gained a massive following on social media.

"I felt like online I could fully be myself cause I was in my own space it was just me. If people were coming they were coming into my space. I wasn't going into anyone’s space so I never had to compromise for anyone," Majimbo says.

She had previously told Forbes that KOT were bullying her about her skin colour and "praying for my downfall".

"I have a very complicated relationship with Nairobi," she said.

"When things started going well for me, there was a lot of backlash to me and there were a lot of colorist things said towards me and surprisingly, it's people from Kenya who were doing that and they were bullying me on the Internet."

Majimbo said people think she is dumb and try to undercut her but she knows her worth.

In July 2022, she bought a house in Los Angeles, US, as a 21st birthday present to herself.