Willy Paul: Women of Instagram and Tiktok are demons

The artist said that these women are always roaming

DJ Evolve.
Image: Instagram

Controversial artist Willy Paul has once again given advice to men about dating a few days before Valentine's Day.

Pozee advised that if you are a man and you feel you are ready to enter the dating pool, then there is one thing you should know about the right girl for you.

According to him, all the girls who are addicted to social networks, especially Instagram, should not be in your sights as a man, because most of them are poison.

He advised that this Valentine's season, every man who loves and respects himself should look for a village girl.

"One thing I have discovered about these Instagram girls is that they are all poison. My fellow men, let's look for meaningful women in the villages, let's make them shine as we want. Tiktok and Instagram are just demons," Willy Paul advised.

He elaborated further on his advice saying that Instagram girls are not meant to stay in one place because they are roaming around one minute she is here with you, the next minute she is on the beach with a mubaba.

"This minute you are there with him, in the next few minutes you will see Mombasa with baba Kamau and she has changed her name," Pozee said.

His advice is somewhat in line with that of gospel artist Daddy Owen who at the end of last year hit the headlines saying he was looking for a woman to marry.

In his announcement, Owen said the main criterion is that the woman must be from the village, i.e. 'kienyeji' in the parlance of the streets, saying that urban women who are skilled at using new social networks are not marriageable women.