John Ngumi resigns as Safaricom Chairman after 5 months

Reports indicate that Mr. Ngumi will now focus on green energy projects across Africa.

John Ngumi resigns as Safaricom Chairman after 5 Months

Safaricom's board chairman and director John Ngumi has resigned barely six months after his appointment.

In a notice issued on Thursday, December 5, Mr. Ngumi, who took up the position on August 1, resigned effective December 2022.

"The board announces the resignation of Mr. John Ngumi as a director and consequently as the chairman of the board with effect from 22nd December 2022. The new chairman will be elected by the board of directors in the coming weeks," a notice by Safaricom read in part. 

Reports indicate that Mr. Ngumi will now focus on green energy projects across Africa.

Mr. Ngumi was appointed to replace former Safaricom Board Chairman Michael Joseph after he stepped down from his role.

During Kenyatta Kenyatta's era, Ngumi served as Kenya Pipeline Company chairperson and also as chair of the Industrial and Commercial Development Corporation.

ICDC was in charge of the Kenya Transport and Logistics Network which had the Kenya Ports Authority, Kenya Pipeline, and Kenya Railways.

Safaricom appreciated Ngumi for his support during the time he served and the progress he made.

"He has provided a wealth of industry knowledge and vast expertise. He has steered the company through a general election and supported the entrenchment of our purpose of transforming lives through our products and services as well as within the community we serve," read part of the statement.

"John leaves the board to focus on developing green energy generation across Africa with an emphasis on green hydrogen."

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