Mwangaza to defend self on day 2 of impeachment probe

Wednesday, the governor takes the stand to defend herself

Meru county Governor Kawira Mwangaza follows proceedings during the hearing of her Impeachment case at the senate chambers on Tuesday, December, 27 2022.

The Senate Special Committee probing the grounds for the impeachment of Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza will hold its second and final hearing on Wednesday.

The 11-member committee adjourned Tuesday's session at midnight and will start today’s hearing at 9.30am.

The lawyer of Meru County Assembly, Muthomi Thiankolu, has an application seeking the direction of the committee on how to handle the fresh evidence the governor was allowed to submit on Tuesday.

Thiankolu argued on Tuesday night that his team will not be in a position to file responses owing to time constraints.

The chair directed the lawyer to file an application Wednesday morning and argue his case so that the committee gives direction.

Wednesday, the governor takes the stand to defend herself.

She has one witness.

Mwangaza has pleaded not guilty to all charges that informed her impeachment.

The County Assembly has accused Kawira of violating the Constitution 62 times, all committed within 64 days.

Kawira became the first county boss to be impeached barely three months after being sworn in.

All 67 Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) present during the impeachment session voted to remove her.

In her opening remarks on Tuesday, Kawira through her lawyer Elias Mutuma said she was a victim of blackmail.