Woman in hospital after jumping from 6th floor Parklands building

The victim had sent a text message to her sister directing her where to find two suicide notes.

Crime Scene.

A 22-year-old woman is admitted to hospital in critical condition after she jumped from the sixth floor of a building she lives in Parklands area, Nairobi in an apparent suicide mission.

Ann Wanjiku went to the rooftop of the house she lives with her sister on Thursday morning and threw herself to the ground before landing on parked vehicles.

The incident happened at 2 am on Thursday, other tenants at the estate and police said.

The victim had sent a text to her sister who was in the house directing her where to find two suicide notes.

One of the suicide notes was directed to her employer and another to their family. The notes apparently cited frustrations as the cause of her attempt to die by suicide.

The woman was rushed to the hospital where she was admitted in critical condition. Police said they will wait for her to heal before they interrogate her.

It is a criminal offense to attempt suicide, police said. Elsewhere in Ruai, a man who was missing for five days was found dead in his house after he died by suicide.

John Muchiri Ngugi, 26, was missing for days before his neighbours complained there was a foul smell from his house.

The neighbours called the police who broke into the house and found his body dangling from the roof of the house.

The body was hanging on a shirt and pullover that he apparently used to hang himself.

The motive for the incident was not immediately known.

The body was moved to the mortuary.

In Parkview estate, Fredrick Otieno, 46, died after jumping from the second floor of their house in a suicide mission.

The incident happened on Thursday morning at the house he stayed with his family.

The motive for the incident was not immediately established.

Seven other suicide incidents were reported in the country on Thursday alone in an increasingly alarming rate.

They were reported in Makueni, Kilifi, Nakuru, Migori, Nyandarua, Kitui, and Kiambu.

Police say cases of suicide are on the rise.

The World Health Organisation says such cases are attributed to joblessness, death, academic failures or pressures, legal difficulties and financial difficulties.

Other reasons are bullying, previous suicide attempts, history of suicide in a family, alcoholism and substance misuse, depression and bipolar disorder.

WHO rates suicide as a serious global public health issue that is among the top 20 leading causes of death worldwide.

Counselors, medics, and psychologists advise that you can always reach out for help when experiencing any mental health issues. Call Kenya Red Cross toll-free hotline, 1199 for support.