Impeachment looms as 68 MCAs approve motion to kick out Governor Mwangaza

Sixty eight MCAs have signed the petition. One has absconded the exercise.

Impeachment looms as 68 MCAs approve motion to kick out Governor Mwangaza 

 A motion to impeach Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has formally been tabled at the county assembly.

Sixty eight MCAs have signed the petition. One has absconded the exercise. 

There are 69 MCAs.

The motion was tabled by Abogeta MCA Dennis Kiogora who is also the Minority leader.

This has emerged even as the House through an advert invited for views from the public on the impending impeachment motion.

The public participation is a result of a motion filed by a Meru resident, Salesio Thuranira, seeking to have her ousted for alleged abuse of authority and gross misconduct.