Maina reveals his worst memory from Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic changed the way the world lived since its emergence in late 2019.

Maina Kageni
Image: Instagram

Maina Kageni has told his listeners that he cannot even imagine going back to life under the dreaded COVID-19 virus.

He said, "I can't imagine going back to that  Covid life! I personally struggled with, 'Don't touch your face.'"

He then asked his listeners where they were when Covid came around and these are some of the responses posted online: 

@Johnkeya_·Good morning Seregeya Tuned inn

@Kaioken_rono·It brought me to ground level but as the saying goes , we fall and rise and keep rising again and again. That's life.

Caleb Chauro@ochauro·Was in the city and I wouldn't imagine same experience... We should be extra careful

@SammyChisaka· I personally I don't think if Corona was life was just normal

@jkkiruthi·Noma tena ajabu

@ndaga_eliudThat was serious. Nairobi was the worst place to be. Job ilienda and that's how I started forex trading, almost 4 years later can't complain, it was like a reset button. Forex traders

@LabanMbunya·I thank God covid met me in a good situation.

 @_Teochris·Lost everything... I don't like thinking about that pandemic good day11

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